Why Short Breaks are Essential for Productivity

When we get busy with daily routines, we often forget that it is important to take proper rest away from work so that we feel fresher in our mind. Even these short respites can be very helpful for us as a whole. Taking a short break of five to ten minutes, even just sit relaxingly and listen to some soothing music or watch the beautiful scenery outside your window. Your mind is thereby cleared and even concentration can increase at once. Your brain gets a chance to re-group. Step away from your desk, and it's proven that the information channels are cleared 30% better afterward by giving 30 minute breaks in which to type data into another machine! Not to mention that stretching or moving around will send you reeling 3 or 4 times every hour no matter how hard the fight is. Finally, next time you are feeling blocked or tired, just stop and take a short break for your mind and body to rest.

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